(2019) 1 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 21–34
Title of the article Modification of the Subject Principle in Work Organization of the Prosecutor’s Office
Doctor of Law, advisor to the Director of the State Bureau of Investigations, Kyiv, Ukraine, stoleta@ukr.net
PhD in Law, prosecutor, Local Prosecutor’s Office No. 1 of Zaporizhzhia Region, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, rmauzer@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 1
Pages [21–34]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract With the adoption of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine (CPC Ukraine) were redefined the approaches to understanding criminal proceeding and revised its principles, which made it possible to move away from the Soviet system of prosecution. At the same time, the hierarchical structure of the bodies of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine does not fully comply with the requirements of modern criminal procedural legislation.
The article analyzes the territorial and functional (subject) principles of work organization in the bodies of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine and the disadvantages of their application that cause the emergence of normative, organizational and personnel problems.
The application of the territorial principle of work organization of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine in relation to the law observance during the pre-trial investigation is impossible today, in view of the provisions of Art. 221 CPC of Ukraine. In addition, for units that oversee compliance with laws during a pre-trial investigation, taking into account the reform of criminal procedural law, the application of the territorial principle is ineffective because of the lack of a substantive distribution of criminal offenses (by categories of offenses) between employees. There is also an uneven burden on public prosecutors at various levels. Moreover, the disruption of the law-enforcement system deprives the prosecutor of procedural and organizational opportunities to ensure the proper organization of work and its qualitative indicators. This imbalance contributes to the formation of negative trends in the organization of interaction between law enforcement agencies in general and the parties to the prosecution in particular, which causes potential corruption risks due to ill-treatment methods of operational units.
Taking into account the above, purpose of the article – to analyze the principles of work organizing in the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine in order to supervise and elaborate the concept of modifying the work organization of the prosecutor’s office in this direction, taking into account its transformation from a purely supervisory function into supervision in the form of procedural guidance to a pre-trial investigation.
Reform is proposed to be implemented by changing the staff structure of the prosecutor’s office by reorganizing it on a substantive principle, which involves: developing the main directions (fields) of prosecutor’s activities in accordance with the categories of criminal proceedings; the creation of departments (divisions) in regional prosecutor’s offices with the attachment of specific categories of criminal proceedings (profile), and in the long term – the creation of a corresponding structure in the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine; increase in the number of procedural heads in the regional prosecutor’s offices; securing for each prosecutor the relevant department (division) a separate type of criminal offenses, which will be followed by procedural guidance, taking into account the professional training, experience and other personal qualities of the employee.
Keywords prosecutor’s office; work organization; supervision; structure; subject principle; improvement.
List of legal documents
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Conference papers
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